
Your download includes a working example as well as all required files in the /dist directory, this documentation refers to files in that directory.


Follow these steps to add the JSMaps plugin to your site.


Start by including the jsmaps and maps folders in the root of your project i.e. the same directory as the html file that will hold your map.

Map scripts

Include the following css file in the head section of your page:

<link href="jsmaps/jsmaps.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Jquery is required for this map to work, if jquery is already included in your page you don't need to include it again. If not, include the following script before the closing </body> tag of your page:

<script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Include the following javascript tags before the closing </body> tag of your page (after jQuery):

<script src="jsmaps/jsmaps-libs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jsmaps/jsmaps-panzoom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jsmaps/jsmaps.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script></script>

Include the JSMaps plugin javascript files, make sure to update the map to the one you want to use if it's not the world map:

//Use any map as named in the maps folder e.g. maps/usa.js
<script src="maps/world.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
map: 'world' //Use any map as named in the maps folder e.g. usa

Note: jsmaps-panzoom.js is used by the pan/zoom functionality, if you don’t use this option, you don’t have to load this file.

Note: maps/world.js is the location of the map data, it can be any map and the location is up to you, but it must be loaded last.

Map markup

Add the following HTML in the body tag of your page where you want to include the map. Note that the map size will be defined by its parent container size:

<div class="jsmaps-wrapper" id="world-map"></div>

Note: the jsmaps-wrapper class is required, you may choose any id when initiating the map plugin e.g. $('#my-id').JSMaps({...});


Global properties

Here is a list of the global settings and their default values, you can override these when initiating the plugin, see below the list for an example:

Name Type Default Description
map* string
The name of the map, must match a map from the maps folder
mapWidth / mapHeight* number
These are the original svg dimensions and are there purely so the plugin knows the map ratio when resizing the map. Do not change these values. The map will always fill the space available in the container you put it in, so to change the size of the map, change the size of its container.
responsive bool true
If true, will trigger a window resize listener
offColor hex #ccc Color when a state is disabled
strokeColor hex #24221f Stroke color for states
offStrokeColor hex #444 Stroke color for disabled states
strokeWidth number 1 Size of te stroke in pixels
abbreviationColor hex #f2f2f2 Text color of state abbreviations
abbreviationFontSize number 12 Font size of state abbreviations in pixels
displayAbbreviations bool true
If true, will display abbreviations on states
displayAbbreviationOnDisabledStates bool false
If true, will display abbreviations on disabled states
autoPositionAbbreviations bool false
Position abbreviations automatically using Raphael getBBox. If true textX/textY state properties become offset values
stateClickAction 'text'
| 'url'
| 'none'
Action to take when state is clicked
textPosition 'left'
| 'right'
| 'bottom'
Position of textarea if stateClickAction is set to text
hrefTarget '_self'
| '_blank'
| '_parent'
| '_top'
href target when state is clicked if using urls
textAreaWidth number 300 Width of text area if to the left or right of the map, if bottom textarea will be width of map
textAreaHeight number 300 Height of textarea if at bottom, if to the left or right height will be height of the map
pinSize number 10 Size of pins on the map in pixels
displayMousePosition bool false If true, displays current mouse position on screen to help position pins
displayViewBox bool false If true, displays current map position and zoom level, this is handy to figure out initialZoom/initialMapX/initialMapY
enablePanZoom bool false Enable pan/zoom functionality
initialZoom number 1 The initial zoom level of the map, default is 1 which is the minimum, any number greater will zoom deeper
initialMapX number 0 The initial part of the map to be displayed in the center X of the view if initialZoom is greater than 1, to obtain this number, set the displayViewBox and using the pan/zoom functionality, set the map to your desired initial position and zoom level, the initialMapX/initialMapY/Zoom values will be displayed in the top right corner of the map
initialMapY number 0 The initial part of the map to be displayed in the center Y of the view if initialZoom is greater than 1, to obtain this number, set the displayViewBox and using the pan/zoom functionality, set the map to your desired initial position and zoom level, the initialMapX/initialMapY/Zoom values will be displayed in the top right corner of the map
retainPanZoomOnRedraw bool true If true, the map position and zoom level will be retained when using the reDraw event
displayPreloader bool true If true, display a preloader while the map renders.
preloaderText string 'Loading map...' Text to display in the preloader, set this to an empty string if you want to use a css spinner instead.
disableTooltip bool false If true, disable tooltip on hover
groups Array<string> [] List of groups of state/regions, see our tutorial for more information.
selectElement bool true Display a select element above the map, including all regions/states, groups and pins.
selectElementDevices Array<string> ['mobile'] Filter which device to display the select element on: ['mobile', 'tablet', 'desktop']
selectElementDefaultText string 'Please select' Text value of the default select option

Individual state/region/pin settings

All the state/region/pin settings for the map are located in maps/{mapName}.js and need to be altered in that file:

Name Type Default Description
name string
Text displayed in tooltip, supports html
abbreviation string
Abbreviation (if available) displayed on the state/region/pin
textX/textY number 0
Abbreviation X/Y position if set manually, set the global displayMousePosition option to true, mouse over the map and use the X/Y value displayed in the top left of the screen. Values are included in some maps, you can also set autoPositionAbbreviations to true in global settings.
color hex
Default state/region/pin background color
hoverColor hex
State/region/pin hover background color
selectedColor hex
State/region/pin selected background color
url string ''
URL to redirect to when State/region/pin is clicked (if global stateClickAction = url)
text string
Text displayed in textarea when State/region/pin is clicked (if global stateClickAction = text)
src string
Path to image to be used as a pin instead of a circle, see our tutorial for more information.
srcWidth number
The original width of the image to be used as a pin instead of a circle, see our tutorial for more information.
srcHeight number
The original height of the image to be used as a pin instead of a circle, see our tutorial for more information.
pinWidth number
The size of the image pin on the map, see our tutorial for more information.


The map includes custom events which you can trigger externally:

Name Type Default Description
reDraw func
Trigger a map redraw, see our tutorial for more information.
stateClick func
Trigger click events on state/region/pin/group
stateUnClick func
Trigger unclick events on state/region/pin/group


The map will dispatch event callbacks so you can add custom interactivity to your project, see below for the full list.

Name Type Default Description
onReady func
The map is fully rendered and ready for interactions
onStateClick func
A state/region has been clicked, data is passed to the listener which includes all data defined for the state/region/pin in maps/{mapName}.js
onStateOver func
The mouse enters a state, data is passed to the listener which includes all data defined for the state/region/pin in maps/{mapName}.js
onStateOut func
The mouse leaves a state, data is passed to the listener which includes all data defined for the state/region/pin in maps/{mapName}.js